The Hungarian pressure group Társaság a Szabadságjogokért (TASZ, Company for Freedom Rights) has turned to the country's Constitutional Court in hopes of voiding current law regulating how telephone and Internet companies handle their users' personal data, Magyar Nemzet reports. Click to read more...

Wendy Davis Whether Google compromises searchers' privacy by holding onto their Internet protocol addresses for too long has been subject to intense debate for at least the past year. But in the past week, the company has come under fire from privacy advocates for another reason:...

Il premier al ricevimento al Quirinale per la festa della Repubblica. E si lascia andare a una previsione per la successione: "Non io" Il presidente del Consiglio, al ricevimento al Quirinale per la festa della Repubblica, parla delle legge sulle intercettazioni e chiede un "diritto prioritario alla...

TORONTO (AP) — Canada's federal privacy commissioner has launched an investigation into Facebook after four students complained that the popular Web site violates Canadian law by disclosing personal information to advertisers without proper consent. The University of Ottawa law students, some of whom are dedicated Facebook...

Il Garante per la protezione dei dati personali (Newsletter del 21 maggio scorso) ha reso noto di aver applicato una sanzione (di 54mila euro) al Gruppo GS per aver utilizzato i dati raccolti delle fidelity card offerte ai clienti per 'spiare' il contenuto dei carrelli...

Searching on the Internet via a mobile phone poses higher privacy-related concerns than traditional computer-based queries, according to the Italian authority for the protection of personal data. Using a search engine on a mobile handset makes available a larger amount of personal data, allowing for...