Social network

"Se mi chiami non vale": e' il titolo scelto dall'Istituto italiano per la privacy, presieduto da Luca Bolognini, per la campagna sulla nuova normativa dell'Autorita' Garante della privacy relativa al telemarketing, ovvero alle telefonate per le promozioni commerciali, in vigore da ieri. L'iniziativa e' stata...

In the run-up to the live spiked debate ‘Has Google got too big?’, taking place in central London this Thursday, we are publishing a series of articles on Google. Here, Simon Davies of Privacy International tells Tim Black that it makes good business sense for...

Luca Bolognini, presidente IIP, su Radio24 alle 8.15 del 19 febbraio 2009, a proposito di call center, privacy e decreto Milleproroghe.

Information Week, By Thomas Claburn, December 15, 2008 Google is no longer ranked among the top 20 most trusted companies for privacy, but Apple, Facebook, and Yahoo for the first time are. On Monday, the Ponemon Institute, a privacy and information security research company, and...

Computerworld, By Heather Havenstein, November 24, 2008   Google Inc.'s new search customization tool, SearchWiki, has quickly generated criticism for its lack of an opt-out option and perceived privacy threats. Google unveiled SearchWiki last week, saying that it would allow users signed into Google to change the...

The Global Network Initiative has been launched. The Initiative is a code of conduct for corporations on privacy and free speech created by a coalition of human rights, media development and research organizations, and Internet and communications companies such as Yahoo, Google, and Microsoft. Its...