L’Istituto Italiano per la Privacy alla Online Privacy Conference 2013 di Malta

L’Istituto Italiano per la Privacy alla Online Privacy Conference 2013 di Malta

L’Istituto Italiano per la Privacy avrà due propri rappresentanti all’importante Conferenza Internazionale sulla Privacy Online di Malta, che si terrà i prossimi 20 e 21 marzo 2013. Saranno Luca Bolognini, Presidente dell’Istituto, e Rosario Imperiali, Presidente del Comitato Scientifico IIP, a fare da relatori in quell’occasione, presentando due positioning paper sul legittimo interesse in relazione al nuovo Regolamento Europeo.

Di seguito, il programma della due giorni, comunque rinvenibile sul sito http://www.onlineprivacyconference.eu/category/programme/

Online Privacy:
Consenting to your Future

Day 1

8.00 – 9.00


9.00 – 9.05


9.05 – 11:00

Presentation of the results of the CONSENT project

Consent and Social Networks
What do consumers think
Policy implications & way forward

11:00 – 11.15

Coffee Break

11.15 – 11.45

First Key Note Speaker – The Privacy debate and social networks in the United States

Ms Lara Ballard – Special Advisor for Privacy and Technology in the Office of Communications and Information Policy at the U.S. Department of State

11.45 – 13.00

Panel Discussion – What do ‘privacy’ and ‘consent’ mean today?

Ms. Kirsten Bock, International Coordinator at Office of the Data Protection and Freedom of Information Commissioner, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany

Ms Christine Runnegar – Senior Policy Advisor, Internet Society

Mr Andreas Krisch – President, European Digital Rights

13.00 – 14.00


14.00 – 14.15

Second Key Note Speaker

Dr. Viviane Reding – Vice-President of the European Commission

14.15 – 14.45

Third Key Note Speaker

Prof Marc Rotenberg, Executive Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC)

14.50 – 15.30

Panel Discussion – The Civil Rights Position

Ms Christine Runnegar – Senior Policy Advisor, Internet Society

Mr Andreas Krisch – President, European Digital Rights

Ms Rainey Reitman – Leader of Activism Team, Electronic Frontier

15.30 – 15.45

Coffee Break

15.45 – 17.00

Parallel Sessions 1

Stream 1 – SNS and data protection

Data protection and SNSs: a tricky relationship – Dariusz Adamski, University of Wroclaw
Illusion of personal data as no one’s property: reframing the data protection discourse – Nadezda Purtova, University of Groningen
Nudging to privacy: The “Privacy by Default/Design” approach in relation to Social Network Services – Max- R. Ulbricht, Technical University of Berlin

Stream 2 – Online Privacy Across Borders

Regulating online privacy across borders – Anabela Susana de Sousa Gonçalves, Law School, University of Minho
Impacts of the proposed European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to the Association Southeast Asian Nations’ (ASEAN) data privacy regime – Noriswadi Ismail, Intellectual Property, Internet and Media Research Centre, Brunel Law School, Brunel University
Tsunami, timidity or temerity? Recent developments in privacy and data protection law in ASEAN. – Li Hua Chew, Centre for Legal Pluralism and Legal Affairs, Faculty of Law, University of Malaya

Stream 3 – The Right to be forgotten and Internet privacy

Right to Be Forgotten. The Fundamental Right of the Person or the Danger of the “Ministry of Truth” – Wojciech Rafal Wiewiórowski, Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data; University of Gdansk, Faculty of Law and Administration
How Much Oblivion Is There to the Right of Oblivion? – Oleksandr Pastukhov, University of Malta

17.00 – 18.00

Fourth Key Note Speaker

Council of Europe – “The recent developments at the T-PD especially the Nov 2012 adoption of the modernisation strategy for Convention 108 and implications for CONSENT”

Day 2

9.00 – 9.35

Fifth Key Note Speaker

Mr P. Hustinx, European Data Protection Supervisor

9.45 – 11.00

Panel Discussion – the current status as the context for the CONSENT Policy Options

The role of European Data Protection Authorities

Prof Dr. r Johannes Caspar, Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information for Hamburg, Germany

Mr Wojciech Rafał Wiewiórowski, Polish Inspector General for the Protection of Personal Data

Mr Ken Macdonald, the UK Assistant Commissioner for Northern Ireland and Scotland

11.00 – 11.15

Coffee Break

11.15 – 13.00

Parallel Sessions 2

Stream 4 – Consent in data protection regulation (1)

Consent: The Third Objective of EU Data Protection Law? – Orla Lynskey, London School of Economics
Personal Data and consent in the Big Data context: Issues today and challenges ahead – Aaron Ceross, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Lost in E-government: does the DPR provide adequate safeguards for civilians? A.M. Klingenberg, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen
Dynamic Consent – A Model for Controlling the Use of Personal Information – Jane Kaye, Edgar Whitley, Dave Lund, University of Oxford

Stream 5 – Multiple Dimensions of internet privacy

Understanding internet privacy: overall dynamics and socio-cultural differences – Luciano d’Andrea, Laboratorio di scienze della cittadinanza
Employer and employee privacy related dilemmas in social media: reflections from Estonian practice – Seili Suder and Andra Siiabk, University of Tartu
Everyday I’m life-logging: privacy and data protection issues in ubiquitous individual data collecting and sharing – Matěj Myška, Jaromír Šavelka, Masaryk University, School of Law, Institute of Law and Technology
EU Cloud Flagships are sinking? Recent developments in the field of Cloud Computing at the level of the European Union – Alicja Gniewek, SnT, University of Luxembourg

Stream 6 – Surveillance and Social Networks

The Surveillance of Social Networking and the Social Value of Privacy – Colin Bennett, Christopher Parsons, Adam Molnar, University of Victoria
Privacy of communication and the leviathanian technology advances – Jonida Milaj-Weishaar, University of Groningen
Between the international conflicting priorities of Cyber Security, Copyright- and Data Protection – Philipp E. Fischer, SuiGeneris Consul

13.00 – 14.00


14.00 – 14.40

Sixth Key Note Speaker

Mr Max Schrems, Europe vs. Facebook

14.40 – 15.30

Panel Discussion

15.30 – 15.45

Coffee Break

15.45 – 17.00

Parallel Sessions 3

Stream 7 – Children and Online Privacy

Cyberbullying: a change in the concept of privacy? – Albert Verheij , University of Groningen
Privacy policies as tools to improve consent – Do they really work for children? – Federica Casarosa, European University Institute

Stream 8 – Consent in data protection regulation (2)

Two proposals that go beyond the data subject’s consent, respecting online privacy rights – Luca Bolognini, Italian Institute for Privacy
Paper on legitimate interests of the data controller (lidc): is lidc a viable alternative to data subject’s consent? – Paolo Balboni, Rosario Imperiali, Daniel Cooper, Milda Macenaite, European Privacy Association
Behavioural Targeting. How to Regulate? Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Institute for Information Law, University of Amsterdam

Stream 9 – Alternatives to current approaches

Information and Communication Flow and Deposit Control – Filip Petrinec, Thomas Lenhard, Michal Gregus, Faculty of Management, Comenius University in Bratislava
TRUST-EX – object-oriented approach to on-line privacy – Augustin Mrazik, Jan Domankus, Lukas A. Mrazik, eGov Systems s.r.o., Bratislava, Slovakia

17.00 – 18.00

Way Forward – Plenary Discussion