23 Apr A Guide to Protecting Your Online Identity
Mashable, By Leah Betancourt, April 21st, 2009
Being online is like being in public. Nearly anything that gets posted can come back to haunt you. When you post it yourself, this isn’t such a big deal — after all, it’s your fault if you post something like the “fatty paycheck” tweet, the Twitter update that resulted in Cisco Systems Inc. revoking a job offer. Problems start when what’s online isn’t accurate, isn’t yours, or worse, isn’t yours anymore. When your online identity — including your content (written, video, or images) or even your brand — gets hijacked it can hurt you in the same way that the “fatty paycheck” hurt the job candidate for Cisco. When data posted online won’t go away or even when someone lies and steals your online identity, getting it back can be difficult.