05 Dic YouTube improve Channels following user feedback
Social Media Portal, UK, December 4, 2008
Video sharing giant YouTube has announced new changes to YouTube channels on its official blog today, following feedback from the YouTube community. The Google owned user generated content site has added the creation of a ‘Recent Activity’ box on content creator’s channels, allowing them to provide their viewers with a snapshot of recent changes on the channel. The Recent Activity box will consolidate other YouTube features, such as ‘My Recent Ratings’ and ‘My Recent Comments,’ which it envisages making channels “more dynamic, fresh and timely.” A spokesperson from YouTube reassures users of the privacy settings that come along with the Recent Activity addition, explaining, “We’ve set your initial Recent Activity settings accordingly to what you already publicly show on your channel today – so, for example, if you’re not already showing the Favourites box on your channel, then the Recent Activity box won’t suddenly start showing new favourites you make.” The YouTube community also gave their feedback on bulletins, with the majority deeming it as having no value. YouTube go on to comment, “Regarding bulletins, we’ve listened to you. We’re taking a first step to make bulletins more useful. Although the bulletin box will be going away, now you can broadcast a bulletin directly to your channel visitors in the Recent Activity box. This not only provides a fun place to shout out personal updates and news, but also provides an additional way to communicate and engage with your channel fans.”